
Mother angelica quote about adam you know how men are
Mother angelica quote about adam you know how men are

mother angelica quote about adam you know how men are

But in her heart, she would always be a child of divorce whose mother was mentally unstable and her father abusive.

mother angelica quote about adam you know how men are

The former Rita Antoinette Rizzo, who was born in 1923 in a ghetto in southeastern Canton, Ohio, would eventually become a Franciscan nun of the Blessed Sacrament.

mother angelica quote about adam you know how men are

In communicating Christ through television, through radio, through her many books, she was actually communicating a part of herself.” “Her communicating the Gospel was she was really communicating a part of herself, because Christ was so much a part of her and a part of her religious vocation. She knew how to communicate the Gospel in a language that people could understand, not because she was a gift orator, but because she really believed what she was saying. In fact, she had the New Evangelization down pat years before St. God chooses dodos, and I’m a dodo.”Īnd it’s also why Monsignor Graham Bell, an official of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, told the National Catholic Register that Mother was a “New Evangelizer ante litterum (before her time).” Instead, she said it in a way that all of us “average Joes” in the pews can understand. When it came to preaching the Gospel and encouraging others to do the same, Mother Angelica didn’t choose to quote papal documents or the lofty language of our Church’s finest theologians. As the Catholic world remembers Mother Angelica, the feisty nun who founded the largest religious communications organization on the planet, it will do us all well to reflect on this first anniversary of her death on how effectively she evangelized just by daring to be herself.

Mother angelica quote about adam you know how men are